You’re throwing a holiday party with some friends and family members and having a blast. The music and food are excellent, and everyone is getting along. You take a celebratory bite of a yummy holiday sugar cookie, but this one turned out much harder than the others. You hear something go crunch in your mouth. You spit out your food into your hand to find that your dental crown has come off! What should you do? Read on to learn more about dental crowns in Torrance and what to do if they come loose or fall off during the holiday season.
What Do Dental Crowns Do?
Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that slip over a tooth to provide support, whether that’s functionally or aesthetically. They fit snugly over a tooth to protect it from further damage, or heal a tooth when a filling alone won’t get the job done. Crowns can also be used for aesthetic purposes, such as slipping over a misshapen or stubby tooth or covering a severely discolored tooth. Whatever the reason you got a dental crown, they should stay firmly attached to your tooth for at least a decade. Sometimes, however, accidents happen.
What Should You Do If Your Crown Comes Loose or Falls Out?
First things first, a loose or fallen-out crown constitutes a dental emergency in Torrance, so you should call your dentist first thing and let them know of the situation. Until you can see your dentist, do NOT wiggle or touch the loose crown, whatever you do. If you have to eat, chew using the other side of your mouth. Aggravating the loose crown could make things worse by irritating the gum tissue.
If your crown has fallen out, pick it up with a clean hand and store it in a plastic bag or container to take to the dentist with you. They may be able to reattach it. In the meantime, you can try to reattach your crown with dental cement, which you can find in the dental section at the drugstore. Just be sure to visit your dentist as soon as possible for a permanent reattachment, as dental cement is only a temporary solution.
If your dental crowns in Torrance fall out, stay calm and call your dentist first thing. That’s the best way to keep your smile in good shape this holiday season.
About the Author
Dr. George Cho achieved his dental degree from the University of Southern California School of Dentistry in 1987. Following that, he attended an Advanced Education in Prosthodontics Program at the same college, meaning he has become an expert in creating and placing artificial teeth, including dental crowns in Torrance. If your dental crown becomes loose or falls out this holiday season, don’t hesitate to contact his practice by clicking here.